As the recycle bin occupies just a few kilobytes on the hard drive, it seems like overkill to backup everything on that machine and do a full wipe and reinstall of Windows 10.
In fact, I have practically no other issues with Windows 10 on that machine. I just does not seem likely that only the recycle bin would be corrupted, when every other function of the OS is working as expected. Second, it seems to me that if the installation of Windows 10 was corrupted, it would affect more than just the recycle bin. Also my external is now defunct, having ceased to operated correctly more than a year ago. I got them because I needed them, and as they were given away free for one day only, and I have no funds for buying them after the give away day, I would no longer have use of them. Several of those are important to my workflow on that machine, and I do not wish to lose use of them. OK, first and foremost, the files backup option must be off the table, as my installed apps from GOTD (Give Away Of the Day) cannot be reinstalled after the date they were originally installed. The Recycle Bin will still exist in the background and catch your deleted files according to your size and duration preferences. Note that hiding the Recycle Bin icon doesn’t disable or change the Recycle Bin functionality in Windows 10. You’ll see that the Recycle Bin icon instantly disappears.

Then, select Themes from the list of subsections on the left.To get started, right-click on the desktop and choose Personalize.

Removing the Recycle Bin from the Windows 10 Desktop If you find yourself in this latter category of users, here’s how you can remove the Recycle Bin icon from the desktop in Windows 10. But not every user wants or needs the Recycle Bin on their desktop, perhaps because they’ve disabled its functionality in Windows, or because they prefer a clean desktop with minimal or no icons.