Passpartout the starving artist amy pole dance steam
Passpartout the starving artist amy pole dance steam

Mathematics will be the bane of my existance, for Miss Richardson, the teacher, sets my nerves on end. German will be pleasant after I can understand all the Fraulein Neef says, but she talks as if she had too many teeth. come in the morning the others in the afternoon. This morning went to the chapel to find out about classes. Spent the time after dinner before supper3. Taylor preached an excellent sermon from Math. Breakfast half an hour later, at 8:00A.M. This year meals have been changed and we have lunch at 12:45 and dinner at 5:45 P.M. My box containing some things which I needed most, did not arrive until Monday. They came after some time and we had the pleasure of unpacking them before dinner. Sept 24 The next forenoon was spent in a fruitless search for our trunks. Tired and dirty we were glad to use water plentifully and get to bed as soon as possible. Kendrick having returned, were at last directed to our room No. In despair, we started again for the office, and Mrs. We were directed to a number and having found it after much search, found it to be a single room. Kendrick, Lady Principal, was at the Winsor and some one else left in charge. When we arrived at the college we found Mrs. Rattling along as if they were unacquainted with 2 springs and were being drawn over the stones, without rear platform, they are anything but pleasant. Of all street cars I have ever had experience with, the cars here are the worst. After giving our checks to a man to bring our trunks to the college (for the small sum of thirty cents) we took a car for the college. Arrived in Po'Keepsie about seven o'clock. She was going to the "Winsor", but was afterward transferred to the college. Grace had never met her until she saw her on the train. There was a girl on the train also, named Odell who was going to Vassar. On Friday at noon, met Grace on the train bound for Poughkeepsie.

passpartout the starving artist amy pole dance steam

Syracuse seems to be a very pleasant city, though I do not think I would like it as well as Elmira. In the evening Nellie, and her girl, Inez and I walked down town. I found Inez and Nellie there, but aunt Het had moved back to Watkins the Saturday before. By dint of questioning small boys and wandering about for some time I reached 212. Arrived in Syracuse between two and three o'clock in the afternoon and started to find McBride St.

Passpartout the starving artist amy pole dance steam