We are going ask some patches to turn green, create a set of agents, and have them move around. Reds 1.0 0 -2674135 true set red-count count turtles with color. Start by creating a new model file: File > New. Contribute to NetLogo/Teletortoise development by creating an account on GitHub. Use the File menu's Save command to save the model on your disk in a convenient place. This will give us a 'blank' new model with an empty graphics window and a command center. In this example code I’ve called that turtle-born-here, set the variable to false in the setup, then update the variable any time a turtle is ‘born’ (either on setup, or during go). Commands are instructions you can give to NetLogo’s agents: turtles, patches, links, and the observer. Buttons Phase 1: The Button Turtles and the setup Procedure. I think the best way to track this is a patches-own variable to track if a turtle was ever born on the patch.

in the interface go button, I put the following: Set all-code ( word code-metabolism code-reproduction ) Set CurrentHotPatchSet CurrentHotPatchSet with Set turtle-profiles-habitat item ValidHabsItem ValidHabs

I have looked up the NetLogo dictionary and I believe I should use the export-view commandīut, I still couldn’t execute in a simple code that can only export in image form the patches that only existed turtle (painted in magenta) at the end of all ticks (that is, all patches that had turtles taking into account all ticks ) for that turtle profile. And that this came out by turtle profile. I would like to generate an output in which the whole world turns white and paints magenta only where turtles were born, that is, the 10 turtles that started the world and then the new turtles that emerged through the reproduction process. In the model, it starts with 10 turtles that can reproduce or die. I have 16 turtles profiles, which refers to the non-repeating combination of habitatcover types (see ValidHabs variable)
I don’t really know how to export the following output…